Everything in between February

I just walked in the house from a bitterly cold walk in my neighborhood. The ground froze, the sun out, and me thinking, this is the last winter I want to stay in Seattle. Seattle is beautiful, but the cold and rain can wear you down and can go on for months. 

But, signs of spring are evident; trees are budding, crocuses are rising through the dirt surface, daylight is lasting longer, and the birds are singing their morning song in my bedroom window as the sun is beginning to rise. 

I love the promise of newness that spring brings with it. 

This blog isn't a monthly weather report. However, the weather or climate plays a significant role in the health and well-being of our skin. Several factors go into healthy skin, not just the weather but for us at Complexion; talking about the weather can shed some light if you're struggling with an unresolved skin issue. 

For example, dry cold can cause itching of the skin and scalp, while humidity can cause breakouts or overly oily-looking skin. 

Other factors compound what's happening in our environment, chronic stress, lack of sleep (something I'm dealing with), lack of water intake, not taking your makeup or sunscreen off before bed, and so many other incidentals we don't readily consider. 

I always sleep with a humidifier next to my bed. I purchased a travel size from Amazon, which I'll link below. A humidifier is excellent for a variety of problems. Firstly, it's ideal for the skin and sinus cavity, and if you're a mouth sleeper, cottonmouth can be a problem. So this powerful little humidifier can make a big difference. Second, if you have children or pets, they will thank you. 

Something else I recommend is ingesting oils like fish oil, borage seed oil, and evening primrose. I also take a big swig of olive oil daily. You're working from the inside out. And these oils are excellent for brain health, chronic dry eye syndrome, and menopausal symptoms. Other healthy foods with these fats, like avocados, olives, nuts, and fish, also work well. 

I used to be a diehard supplement user, but over the years, I've loosened up on how many I take and how frequently I take them. The bottom line, I've gotten a bit lazy, but in my defense, I get stomach upset from some supplements and have to pick and choose. Fish oil, olive oil, and vitamin D are always on rotation, and then I pepper in a B complex and vitamin C. 

Right now, I'm also using my No I Gel Cleansing Balm to help keep my PH regulated and my barrier protected and soft. I always double-cleanse with dry hands (meaning I don't splash water on my face or moisten my hands first) and always remove with a warm washcloth. For my hair and scalp, I'm using Huile Du Cheveu. I love it so much, and my hair does too. 

Staying with the balm theme, I have been using and loving balm foundations like Tom Ford Stick which is a perennial favorite and I just bought Monica Blunders balm foundation and have it on today and will give feedback. Still loving all things Westman-Atelier, but do find the mascara flakes off throughout the day. Also, while shopping for new makeup this weekend, I grabbed a few new natural mascara’s, one from Tower28 and Lawless. Stay tuned for feedback. I also replenished my Refy brow gel and lip liner.

I've been challenging myself to drink seven glasses of water daily, which isn't much fun in the cold winter months. Not that I can't have warm lemon water or chamomile tea, which I often do, but then I'm up all night using the restroom. I do much better at night if I only drink about four glasses daily. My skin suffers, but I sleep through the night. 

Allergy season is starting as the trees begin to bud for spring. If you take allergy medicine, remember that it can dry out your skin, eyes, joints, mouth, and vaginal area. I understand how necessary allergy medicine is for those who suffer from seasonal allergies—another reason a humidifier makes sense. 

Be mindful about over-exfoliating with products containing grains or overusing acids. 

I'm going to Mexico at the end of the month for a spiritual retreat. So, naturally, the weather will be warm, and sunscreen will be in high demand. I will also wear sun-protective clothing to protect my body from too much exposure. I shop at Sun Precautions www.sunprecautions.com. If you're spending money on body treatments like IPL or BBL to remove sun damage, you will want to be extra cautious. My sunscreen of choice is always Soleil Tourjour www.soleiltourjour.com. Anything they sell is worth buying. 

Eat clean, live well, love hard, and remember to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Move your body through yoga or other forms of movement and laugh. Laughter is so important. 

Until next month,

xo, Jamie

www.movtip.com humidifier. 


Everything in between


Everything in Between January